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gaining strength是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gaining strength

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1.威力 走向脚步 heading this way. 威力 gaining strength 侵袭 comes roaring into ...


1.Rather, it was the result of Lenin and Bolshevik Party, the result of their gaining strength.相反,它是列宁和布尔什维克党具有实力的表现。

2.Chinese car makers are gaining strength thanks in part to a home market that has boomed as the rest of the world has sputtered.北汽的协议即这一努力过程的一部分。中国汽车生产商的实力正在增强,部分原因在于,当世界其他市场陷入低迷之际,中国国内市场却现出蓬勃生机。

3.Signs the U. S. economy is gaining strength have spurred a rally on Wall Street this week, and that in turn drove oil prices up.有迹象显示美国经济得到强有力的刺激,华尔街本周反弹,这反过来促使油价上涨。

4.A few months ago, hopes were rising that cross-sectarian parties, appealing to both Sunnis and to the majority Shias, were gaining strength.几个月前,受逊尼派与多数什叶派两方支持的跨派别政党力量不断壮大,人们因此看到了希望。

5.Tropical Storm Dolly is gaining strength over the Gulf of Mexico and could become a hurricane before hitting land.热带暴风雨多利在墨西哥海湾得以加强,很有可能在登陆之前变为飓风。

6.Meantime, hurricane John is gaining strength as it threatens tourist resorts along Mexico's Pacific coast.同时,飓风增强力量威胁太平洋沿岸墨西哥旅游胜地。

7.The market- failure school had been gaining strength even before the credit crunch struck .甚至在信贷危机之前,市场失灵派就一直在积聚力量。

8.At the least it would put a floor on the global contraction that is rapidly gaining strength.至少,它会为正在迅速增强的全球经济收缩划定一个底线。

9.It also suggests that the group's once-sidelined moderate wing could be gaining strength.这同时也表明,穆斯林兄弟会内部一度式微的温和派可能正在积聚力量。

10.Currently, a completely commercialised mode of development is gaining strength and the quality of urban spaces is declining.现在,完全的商业化开发主导模式越来越强大,城市空间越来越粗犷。
